In the quirky village of LUKA , folks held an event occasionally called "Darilo." It involved opening a door full of riches and the goal was to open the big giant lock at the door to be able to access this amazing wealth.
This time, the lock needed several characters to open up. Some old villagers called Mula & Sunde , known for their love for puzzles, had the secret code passed down to them by thier ancestors.
According to the legends, to unveil its true magic, the fortunate finder had to employ a curious method: for every segment of four characters, one had to take the last two characters and place them at the beginning and once that is done, the last four characters be put first and first four characters be placed last.
Traditionally, when the combination to the gigantic lock was obtained, it was given to the elders on a slip of paper. However, this code doesn't actually exist. As a result, the two legends review all the participants' codes and select a winner, who is then presented with the keys to the treasure house worth fifteen.
The villagers had just 2hours to get the code for the gigantic lock.
Many tried, but couldn't. What do you think ? 65JN YQCL IIXE 7IYI
Clever thinking led to the Luka village most treasured reward.