
Giveaway, Giveaway, Giveaway !!!

img by Noupia
Thu 12 Dec 2024, 21:08 PM
Take a crack at all these questions, and you might just snag a festive fiver! Three lucky users will pocket $5 each. It's the season to be jolly (and maybe a bit richer)! 🎉💵 1. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? 2.I am an odd number. Take away one letter, and I become even. What number am I? 3.You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why? 4.What can fill a room but takes up no space? 5. How many characters make up a gift card and if one character is removed from the first four and two from the last, how many are left? 6. What has six letters and is very convenient ? 7. What is the Noupia "Emergency" icon used for. 8. 1+1 NB:We're excited for everyone to have an equal surprise as we pick our winners in the most spontaneous and unbiased fashion! Best of luck
Noupia - Giveaway, Giveaway, Giveaway !!!

Comments (40)



RĂ©sultats 7 et 8-1+1= 2



1. La lumière : Elle remplit la pièce mais ne prend pas de place physique. 2. Une route : Elle traverse les villes et les champs sans bouger. 3. Une bulle : Plus elle est grande, plus elle est légère. 4. Le futur : Il est toujours devant nous, mais impossible à atteindre. 5. Une carte-cadeau est généralement composée de 16 caractères. Si on retire un caractère des quatre premiers et deux des derniers, il en reste 13. 6. Un stylo : Il a six lettres et est très pratique. 7. L'icône Urgence de Noupia sert probablement à signaler rapidement un problème ou une situation urgente. 8. 1 + 1 = 2 (simplement).



1 gagne



Rembourser moi s'il vous plaît 🙏



1) Short 2) SEVEN 3) Everyone in the boat is married 4)Noise 5) 8 Characters (G-I-F-T-C-A-R-D) and when one character is removed from the first 4 and 2 from the 2 four, 5 are left. 6) POCKET 7)The Noupia Emergency icon is use to report any of the two technical issues: successful Mobile Money payment did not reflect in your Noupia Account. successful Withdrawal from Noupia did not reflect in your Mobile Money account. 8) 2



1. Short. 2. Seven. 3. Because they’re all married. 4. Noise, light or Silence. 5. 4 characters, 1 character will be left. 6. Noupia. 7. Emergency icon can be used on two occasions; a successful mobile money payment didn’t reflect in your Noupia account and a successful withdrawal from Noupia didn’t reflect in your mobile money account. 8. 1+1= 2



1. Qu’est-ce qui peut remplir une pièce sans prendre de place ? Réponse : La lumière. 2. Qu’est-ce qui traverse les villes et les champs mais ne bouge jamais ? Réponse : Une route. 3. Plus je suis grand, moins j’ai de poids. Qui suis-je ? Réponse : Un ballon. 4. Qu’est-ce qui est toujours devant vous mais que vous ne pouvez jamais atteindre ? Réponse : Le futur. 5. Combien de caractères composent une carte-cadeau et si l’on retire un caractère des quatre premiers et deux des derniers, combien en reste-t-il ? Réponse : Carte-cadeau a 11 caractères. En retirant 1 des quatre premiers et 2 des derniers, il en reste 8. 6. Qu’est-ce qui a six lettres et qui est très pratique ? Réponse : Un stylo. 7. À quoi sert l’icône “Urgence” de Noupia ? Réponse : À demander de l’aide rapidement en cas de besoin. 8. 1+1 Réponse : 2.



1. La lumière. 2. Une route 3. Un trou. 4. L'avenir. 5. Il en reste 13. 6. Argent. 7. Elle sert à signaler rapidement un problème ou à demander de l'aide en cas d'urgence. 8. 2.



1. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Answer: Short (adding "er" makes it "shorter"). 2. I am an odd number. Take away one letter, and I become even. What number am I? Answer: Seven (remove the "s" to get "even"). 3. You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why? Answer: Because all the people on the boat are married (not single). 4. What can fill a room but takes up no space? Answer: Light. 5. How many characters make up a gift card, and if one character is removed from the first four and two from the last, how many are left? Answer: This question seems unclear or context-specific, but let me know if you have more details! 6. What has six letters and is very convenient? Answer: E-mail. 7. What is the Noupia "Emergency" icon used for? Answer: Alert app moderators or administrator or need support 8. 1 + 1? Answer: 2.



1)short 2) seven 3) married 4) air 5) 9, 6) wealth, 7) for unsuccessful transactions 8) 1+1=2



1 Short 2 Seven 3 They are all married 4 Light 5 15 characters – gift cards like Apple gift cards have 16 digits (or characters). If you remove one from the first four (leaving three), and two from the last (leaving 12), you are left with 15 characters. 6 Noupia 7 To alert an urgent ot emergency situation 8 1+1=2



1. La lumière 2. La route 3. Une ombre 4. Le futur 5. 13 6. Stylo 7. Accès rapide aux services d’urgence 8. 2



1-la lumière 💡 2- la route 3- une boule 4- le destin 5- 13 6- noupia 7- elle permet de signaler un problème au cas où l’assistance n’est pas en ligne 8= 2



1-la lumière 2- le chemin 3- boule 4- le destin 5- 13 6- boxeur ( Noupia ) 7- elle permet de signaler un problème au cas ou l’assistance n’est pas en ligne 8= 2



1-la lumière 💡 2- la route 3- ballon 4- le futur 5- 13 6- cadeau ( Noupia ) 7- elle permet de signaler un problème au cas ou l’assistance n’est pas en ligne pour répondre au demande du client 8= 2



1. La lumière 2. Une route ou un chemin 3. Un ballon 4. L’avenir 5. 16 caractères - 1 + 2 = 3 ; il reste 13 caractères. 6. Un miroir (ou selon le contexte, Noupia) 7. Pour faire des réclamations en urgence, comme un paiement non abouti. 8. Réponse: 2



1- SHORT 2- SEVEN 3- BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL MARRIED 4- SILENCE 5- there are 9 characters in a gift card. Removing one from the first 4 and two from the last leaves 6 6- MONEY 7- TO REPORT SOMETHING OR REQUEST FOR AN URGENT ASSISTANCE 8- 1+1=2



1. Short Explanation: Adding "er" to the word "short" makes it "shorter." 2. Seven Explanation: Removing the letter "s" from "seven" leaves "even." 3. Everyone is married Explanation: There are no "single" people on the boat. 4. Light Explanation: Light can fill a room but takes up no physical space. 5. 5 Explanation: gift card has 8 characters, removing 1 from the first four and 2 from the last leaves 5 characters. 6. Oxygen 7. Reporting technical issues with Mobile Money transactions Explanation: The Noupia "Emergency" icon is used for reporting issues like payments not reflecting in the Noupia account or withdrawals not appearing in the Mobile Money account. 8. 2 Explanation: The sum of 1 + 1 is 2.



1)short, 2) seven, 3) all the people on the boat are married 4) air, 5) 9, 6) wealth, 7) it is used when there is an unsuccessful transaction in your card or mobile money account, 8) 1+1=2



1=short 2=seven 3=The reason you don’t see a single person on the boat is that all the people were married. The riddle plays on the word "single," implying that there are no unmarried individuals on the boat. 4=light 5=To determine how many possibilities there are, just figure out how many possibilities there are for each of the 5 characters. So if only lower case letters are allowed, the first position has 26 possibilities. The second has 25, the third has 24 (assuming it can’t be the same as either the first or second). Forth and fifth can be 10 and 9. Now multiply those numbers together to get the number of different passwords. With the above assumptions you have 1404000 different possibilities. If both upper and lower characters can be used, multiply 52, 51, 50, 10, and 9. 6=plenty 7=charting 8=2



1. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? = Short 2.1 am an odd number. Take away one letter, and become even. What number am I= seven You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don't see a single person on the boat. Why= they're are married. 4.What can fill a room but takes up no space= silence 5. How many characters make up a gift card and if one character is removed from the first four and two from the last, how many are left? = 3+2=5 character's 6. What has six letters and is very convenient ? = Pocket 7. What is the Noupia "Emergency" icon used for. ???? 8.1+1=2



1.Answer:"short". When you add the letters "e" and "r" to the end of the word, it becomes "shorter" 2.Answer:SEVEN The odd number is surely seven because, if we remove the alphabet "s" from the word "seven" the remaining word will be "even". 3.All the people on the boat are married 4.Light 5.13 6,NOUPIA 7.when a successful Mobile Money payment did not reflect in your Noupia Account.*when asuccessful withdrawal from Noupia did not reflect in your Mobile Money Account,After 15 minutes of effectuating the transaction,don't get stressed up if you haven't received the funds. All you need do is: Firstly visit the Transaction page, copy transaction ID. Secondly, just click on the "Emergency" icon at the top right corner of your home screen and paste the transaction ID.Lastly, send to Noupia and be patient for a few minutes and your emergency will be treated ASAP. 8, 2



1.Answer:"short". When you add the letters "e" and "r" to the end of the word, it becomes "shorter" 2.Answer:SEVEN The odd number is surely seven because, if we remove the alphabet "s" from the word "seven" ,the remaining word will be "even". 3.The answer is: All the people on the boat are married 4.Answer:"Light" can fill a room but it takes up no space. 5.Answer:13 6.Answer:NOUPIA 7.when a successful Mobile Money payment did not reflect in your Noupia Account.*when asuccessful withdrawal from Noupia did not reflect in your Mobile Money Account,After 15 minutes of effectuating the transaction,don't get stressed up if you haven't received the funds. All you need do is: Firstly visit the Transaction page, copy transaction ID. Secondly, just click on the "Emergency" icon at the top right corner of your home screen and paste the transaction ID.Lastly, send to Noupia and be patient for a few minutes and your emergency will be treated ASAP. 8.Ans 2



1)short,(2)seven,(3) there are all married therefore , you don't see a single person on the boat,(4) silence (5)5 characters are left (6) pocket (7) (8)2



1. Short 2. seven 3. everyone on the boat is married 4. Light 5.16-1-2= 13 6. Wallet 7. it is used when one is experiencing in-app problems 8. 1+1 = 2



Les gens ont déjà bien répondu,, ça ne sert pas que je les emcombres pour rien



1.La lumière 2. Une route 3. Un trou 4. futur 5. Typiquement, une carte cadeau peut avoir 16 caractères. Si l'on retire un caractère des quatre premiers et deux des derniers, il en resterait 13 6.Stylet(utile pour les écrans tactiles) 7. sert à signaler une situation critique nécessitant une attention immédiate, comme accéder rapidement à des services d'urgence ou à des contacts d'urgence. 8. 1+1= 2



1. Short – Adding "er" makes it "shorter." 2. Seven – Remove the "s," and it becomes "even." 3. Everyone on the boat is married, so there isn’t a single person (unmarried) on board. 4. Light – It can fill a room but takes up no physical space. 5. Without context, this is unclear, but typically, if characters are removed as described, you'd subtract the removed characters from the total count. Please clarify for a specific answer. 6. Office – It has six letters and is convenient (as a place or resource). 7. The Noupia "Emergency" icon indicates urgent situations requiring immediate attention (additional context is needed if this relates to software or a system). 8. 2 – Simple addition.



1- La lumière 2- Une route 3- Un trou 4- L’horizon 5- 16 caractères - 3 = 13 caractères 6- Noupia 7- Résoudre les problèmes techniques suivant : Un paiement Mobile Money réussi ne s'est pas reflété dans mon compte Noupia. Un retrait Noupia réussi n'a pas été envoyé vers mon compte Mobile Money. 8- 1+1 =2



1) What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Answer: Short (Adding "er" makes it "shorter"). 2) I am an odd number. Take away one letter, and I become even. What number am I? Answer: Seven (Remove the "s" to get "even"). 3) You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don't see any person on the boat. Why? Answer: The people were not on the boat anymore; they might have disembarked or gone below deck. 4) What can fill a room but take up no space? Answer: Light. 5) How many characters make up a gift card, and if one character is removed from the first four and two from the last, how many are left? Answer: 16 characters make up a giftcard and thirteeen characters will be left if one character is removed from the first four and two from the last. 6) What has six letters and is very convenient? Answer: Pocket. 7) What is the Noupia Emergency icon used for? Answer: It is used when ever there's an unsuccessful transaction in your Noupia account or Mobile money account 8) 1 + 1 Answer: 2 (in standard arithmetic).



1.La lumière. 2. Une route. 3. Un ballon. 4. Le futur. 5. Une carte-cadeau comporte généralement 16 caractères. Si on retire 1 caractère des quatre premiers et 2 caractères des derniers, il en reste 13. 6. Un objet ou service nommé "pratique" (selon le contexte) : "Noupia". 7. L'icône << Urgence >> permet de signaler : un paiement Mobile Money réussi mais ne reflété pas dans mon compte Noupia. Un retrait Noupia réussi mais n'a pas été envoyé vers mon compte Mobile Money 8. 1 + 1 = 2.



1- La lumière. 2- Une route ou un chemin. 3- Un ballon. 4- L’avenir. 5- 16 caractères et qu’on retire 1 + 2 = 3 caractères, il en reste 13 caractères. 6- Noupia ou un miroir (selon le contexte). 7- sert à faire des réclamation en urgence par ex un payement non abouti 8 - 2



1. Short 2. Seven 3. All the people are married 4. Light 5. 13 6. Pocket 7. to indicate situation that needs attention 8. 2



1- lumière 2- route 3- trou 4- l'avenir 5- 16 caractères et il en reste 13 6- astuce 7- elle est utilisée utilisée pour signaler un perte, un vol ou pour désactiver rapidement en cas de problème 8- 2



1. La lumière. 2. La route. 3. Un ballon. 4. L'horizon. 5. 13 6. Un outil 7. Pour signaler des problèmes techniques avec les transactions (recharge ou retrait) 8. 1+1=2



1. Short 2. Seven 3. Everyone on the boat was married 4. Air 5. 9 6. Handy 7. It is used to resolve failed transactions problems 8. 2



1. Lumière 2. Route 3. Ballon 4. Futur 5. Six 6. Objet 7. A signaler une situation nécessitant une attention immédiate 8. 2



1. La lumière. 2. Une route. 3. Une bulle. 4. L'avenir. 5. Le terme "carte-cadeau" a 12 caractères. Si l'on retire un caractère des quatre premiers et deux des derniers, il en reste 9. 6. Un outil. 7. A signaler une situation nécessitant une attention immédiate 8. 1+1= 2



Number one answer is "short" Number 2 answer is......seven Number 3 answer is...... The reason is all the people there were married Number answer is.......Light Number 5 answer is.....9 Number 6 answer is..... letter Number 7 answer i......is to let you know you can spend even though it's not plastic Number 8 answer is.....2



Answer number 7 it’s used for urgent issues like report card frauding ,temporary card freezing Answer number 8- 1+1=2

Noupia: Virtual Cards