As the year comes to a close, we’re thrilled to announce our last giveaway of the year! 🎊 We’re giving $10 each to two lucky winners. Here’s how you can participate:
1. Check Out The Post Below this one and answer the questions
2. Check Out Our Social Media: We’ve posted some questions on our social media handles. Head over there to find them! 📱
3. Engage: Like each post and comment your answers directly below each one. Your engagement matters!
4. Wrap It Up: Return to this post and comment all your answers from the various posts including the one below. 📝
Don’t wait—rush over to our social media pages, get involved, and try your luck to win! Good luck, everyone! 🍀
Note: follow all the steps to ensure your entry is counted. 🏃♀💨
Good Luck !!!
Comments (15)
Article 1:
1) Pour moi la vie est ce processus d'existence d'un être vivant où il doit survivre dans un monde impitoyable ou presque avant de mourir.
2) 8 comptes sur les réseaux sociaux à savoir : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, Threads, LinkedIn, Youtube, Tiktok, Snapchat.
3. Vrai
Article 2:
Facebook : Son objectif se termine le 4 janvier prochain et il retirera 4120000. Sans frais de retrait bien-sûr 😉.
Instagram: Herman gagnera 2300frs, 2000 pour celui qui a acheté la carte et 300 pour celui qui a activé le compte.
X/twitter: Sortir par la porte 😂. (Ça m'a beaucoup fait réfléchir)
Snapchat: 4 giveaways organisés ce mois-ci.
Instagram : Herman a gagné 2002 XAF.
Twitter : cherche plus attentivement, revenir sur mes pas.
Facebook : 4 120 000
Snapchat : 4.
In one sentence, what is life to you '?
Life, to me, is an intricate journey of growth, experiences, and connections that shape our purpose and give us meaning.
2) How many social media handles does Noupia have?
Ans:8, YouTube, Snapchat,X, Facebook, ticktock, Instagram, linkedin, threads.
3) Junior can use his card on betting platforms and receive money from them. TRUE or FALSE ?
4, Elton Goal will end on 4 of January of next year and will withdraw 4,120,000.
5, Ans to the riddle: KEEP LOOKING
6,noupia hosted 6(six) giveaway
7 Herman will receive 1000 Cfa for the person that purchased a card and 300 cfa for the person that activates his/her Noupia account.
In one sentence, what is life to you '?
Life is a journey of experiences, growth, and connections that shape who we are.
2) How many social media handles does Noupia have?
Ans 8, YouTube, Snapchat,X, Facebook, ticktock, Instagram, linkedin, threads.
3) Junior can use his card on betting platforms and receive money from them. TRUE or FALSE ?
4, Elton Goal will end on 4 of January of next year and will withdraw 4,120,000.
5, Ans to the riddle: KEEP LOOKING
6,noupia hosted 6(six) giveaway
7 Herman will receive 1000 Cfa for the person that purchased a card and 300 cfa for the person that activates his/her Noupia account.
Elton retirera 4000000 a la fin de sont épargne.
Herman gagnera 1300 s'il refère 2 personnes et que l'une vérifier sont compte et achète une carte et que l'autre vérifie juste sont.
1/4 d'heure a 15 minutes
Si je tourne a gauche et a droite, regarde de haut et en bas et qu'il y'a pas d'issu, le revient sur mes pa qui mon conduit a cette impasse
1.La vie est une expérience riche et complexe où l'on cherche un équilibre entre la quête de sens, les relations, et l'épanouissement personnel.
2.Noupia est présente sur plusieurs réseaux sociaux sous le nom d'utilisateur @noupiahq, notamment sur :
Facebook : Noupia
Instagram : Noupia (@noupiahq)
Twitter/X : [@NoupiaHQ]
YouTube : [NOUPIA]
TikTok : [@Noupia]
Snapchat : [@noupiahq]
3. Vrai
Instagram: Herman gagne 2002XAF
Twitter:Rester calme, inspecter minutieusement, chercher de l’aide.
Facebook: 4 120 000
Snapchat: 4
I love noupia
Instagram : Herman a gagné 2002 XAF.
Twitter : Rester calme, inspecter, chercher de l’aide.
Facebook : Total : 4 120 000.
Snapchat : 4.
Avec Noupia, notre nouvel an sera mémorial
Facebook:His goal will end on the 4th of January and he'll withdraw 4,000,000 dad
I have no access to twitter and the other platforms cuz my phone's not good
On X: I look inward, there's always a way out.
On Facebook:His goal will end on the 4th of January and he'll withdraw 4,000,000 dad
On Threads:Improve on my savings, and Noupia will go a long way to help me with goal setting.
In one word what is life to you.To me, life is a journey of growth, learning, and self-improvement, filled with opportunities to build meaningful relationships, pursue passions, and make a positive impact on the world.(2) how many social media handle does noupia have.8 . LinkedIn, threads, Facebook Instagram Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat.(3) True (4 )Elton goal will end on the 4th of January next year and will withdraw 4120000(5) keep looking there always a way out.(6) giveaway 7 Herman will receive 1000 for the person that purchase the card 300frs for the person who activate his noupia account